My Experience

By: Nehaa Anumolu
There is such power in volunteering, an individual or a group of individuals helping their community. I have been volunteering for over a year now, and as much as I try I can not convey the feeling I experience each and every time I volunteer. I still remember the first time I had volunteered, it was during the beginning of my seventh grade year and I was helping specially-abled children with their homework. I remember feeling a bundle of nerves before, my palms were sweaty and I was so anxious. I had never been in a position where I was the “teacher, ” but I soon realized these children spread their love and happiness around with their big smiles and amazing personalities. It was as if their glee had been rubbed off on me. After the session, I couldn’t stop smiling. I would talk for hours on end to my mother on how those children brought me so much joy. Ever since then I remember every Monday waiting for school to get out just so I can spend time with these children. I have ever since loved volunteering, just experiencing the rush of emotions and happiness afterwards was its own after.